Energy efficiency

  • effiDRIVE® products

    effiDRIVE® products

    Every single component can help to optimize your energy balance.

  • effiDRIVE® energy consulting

    effiDRIVE® energy consulting

    Our specialists can unlock your savings potential and draw up optimized concepts.

  • effiDRIVE® energy saving solutions

    effiDRIVE® energy saving solutions

    Individual energy saving solutions for both existing systems and new systems that are under development.

  • effiDRIVE® tools

    effiDRIVE® tools

    Little helpers to accelerate your success and bring you closer to optimum energy efficiency.

Reduce your energy costs with effiDRIVE® energy saving solutions

In non-optimized systems, energy costs can account for up to 90% of the total life cycle costs. It’s time to change this! We can help you unlock your energy saving potential and reduce both your energy costs and your CO2emissions. Our energy-saving concept ensures a comprehensive review and consistent implementation of all the energy-saving factors that come into question.

We can support you in the following ways:

  • Helping you to select energy-efficient components from the modular energy-saving system
  • Individual energy consulting provided by effiDRIVE® specialists
  • Helping you to identify the most energy-efficient solution for your application

Your benefits

  • Reduce your energy costs

    with tried and tested, energy-optimized components from our modular energy-saving system.
  • Achieve quantifiable success

    using optimized solutions for your machines and systems – whether new investments or retrofitting.
  • Benefit from our qualified knowledge

    Our energy specialists will identify and assess your savings potential, then draw up optimization concepts for your systems.

Consistency is the key to success

Modular energy-saving system

Even a single efficiency-optimized drive component saves energy

The modular energy-saving system therefore only includes motors, inverters and mechatronic drives with optimized energy efficiency. Combine these components and save up to 70% in energy.




Energy consulting

Team players for improved energy efficiency

effiDRIVE® energy consulting

Bring our experienced energy savings specialists to your drawing board. They will make sure that you find the right solution for your system and factor all the relevant energy-saving factors into your calculations.

The most energy-efficient solution depends not only on the components used; the comprehensive analysis and consulting services are also crucial.

Energy-efficient solutions

Only the best solution will do!

Set the course for an energy-optimized future with effiDRIVE® energy saving solutions. Take advantage of the savings potential offered by energy-efficient drive components for new investments, or by retrofitting your existing machines and systems. A precise analysis and individual consulting will help you to identify potential and implement the measures required in order to reduce power loss, optimize power demand and utilize the energy you have freed up.

effiDRIVE® in practice. Successfully implemented energy saving solutions

Bottle conveyor – beverage industry

Luggage handling – airport logistics

Supply air for buildings – ventilation systems

Storage/retrieval system – internal logistics

Required tools and resources

Tools and resources for energy-efficient applications

IE guide

Our IE guide web application provides you with useful information on country-specific efficiency regulations.

Conversion guide

The conversion guide provides support for your switch to an energy-efficient motor. Once you have chosen a standard motor, you will be given an overview of all the available energy-efficient motors that match the technical data.

Energy efficiency calculator

With our energy efficiency calculator, you can work out how much energy and CO2you can save by using energy-efficient motors. The calculator also works out the relevant amortization time.

Energy report

The energy consumption analysis – a new function in the SEW-EURODRIVE Workbench – is another helpful tool that enables you to unlock the energy saving potential of a drive during project planning. The resulting energy report gives you the energy demand, energy costs and CO2 emissions for your specific application and planned driveline. This lays the foundation for choosing the most energy-efficient drive technology.

Broschures and video


on effiDRIVE®

3 steps to your energy saving solution.



We are taking part in the German Engineering Federation’s BLUECOMPETENCE sustainability concept. This initiative supports ecological product and production design and innovative environmental technologies.


Feel free to contact us

Do you have more questions about our energy saving solutions, or just need some advice from us? Just send us a message with your questions.

Contact us now