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Your benefits

High modularity
of the axis system and less wiring work saves both installation time and space in the control cabinet.

Individually expandable
and shallow installation depth as the control technology, safety technology and energy efficiency are integrated in the compact axis system.

Simple startup
without any expert knowledge: guided motor startup, integrated technology functions and simple connection to controllers.

Powerful, modular and compact

Are you looking for a highly dynamic servo drive solution which meets your requirements with asynchronous or synchronous servomotors? Then take closer look at the MOVIAXIS® multi-axis servo inverters.

Their versatility makes them so adaptable, from tiered motion control or simple positioning through to support of specific kinematics. MOVIAXIS® can be flexibly and individually configured for your application and in a way which allows optimal adaptation to the machine and system concepts.

An axis system with MOVIAXIS® always consists of a power supply module and a variable number of axis modules. These also include optional modules such as master module, motion control or 24 V switched-mode power supply, which integrate perfectly within the servo solution both mechanically and electronically.

Also available are a wide selection of communication and automation options as well as energy-efficient components such as the energy storage unit. And MOVIAXIS® of course supports all common encoder systems on the motor and track.

MOVIAXIS® multi-axis servo inverter - solutions for the future:
Maximum control quality in a compact design in the power range from 10 kW supply system and up to 187 kW peak power.

Industrial communication Control technology
  • Multi-axis servo inverter for synchronous and asynchronous servomotors
  • Up to 8 axis modules in the axis system
  • Shallow installation depth of 254 mm
  • Scaled functionality
    • Basic functions in axis module
    • Applications modules
    • Motion control
    • Automation system
  • Network connection to industry fieldbuses
  • Real time connection to motion controller
  • Function and cost-optimized energy modules
    • Regenerative power supply
    • Memory modules
    • Discharge module
    • Braking resistors
  • Comprehensive range of accessories
    • EMC modules
    • Brake controls
    • User interfaces

MOVIAXIS® supply units type power supply module

MOVIAXIS® power supply module
  • Power supply module for up to 8 axis modules
    • MXP80A: Supply unit
    • MXR80: sinusoidal supply and regenerative module
    • MXR80: blocked shaped supply and regenerative module
  • Supply voltage: 3 x 380 – 500 V
  • Frequency: 50/60 Hz ± 5%
  • Performance of 10 kW to 75 kW, 250% peak power

MOVIAXIS® axis modules

MOVIAXIS® axis module
  • Axis sizes
    • Rated output current: 2 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 24 / 32 / 48 / 64 / 100 A
    • Overload: 250 % for max. 1 s
  • Fast touch-probe inputs
  • Integrated DC 24 V brake control
  • Extensive motion control and technology functions
  • Multi-encoder interface in basic unit for HTL, TTL, resolver, Hiperface®, EnDat and SSI
  • Communication interface for PROFIBUS, EtherCAT®, K-Net and SBUSPLUS
  • Expansion option for I/O
  • Double 7-segment status display
  • Auto reload of all axis parameters when replacing the unit (in conjunction with master module)

MOVIAXIS® master module assembly

MOVIAXIS® master module assembly
  • with control, communication and data management functions
    • Typ MXM80A...: Motion Control Specification
      MOVI-PLC® advanced and CCU (Configurable Control Unit)
    • Type MXM80A...: as fieldbus gateway via system bus

Additional units

  • MXC capacitor module
  • 24 V switched-mode power supply module
  • MXB buffer module
  • MXZ DC link discharge module


  • Prefabricated motor and encoder cables
  • EMC components for supply and regenerative modules
  • Braking resistors

Energy saving modules

MXC capacitor module
  • Saving energy
    • Braking energy is moved temporarily and utilized during the next acceleration process.
    • Minimization of energy consumption, build-up of heat in the control cabinet and follow-up costs such as cooling and climate control measures
    • Used, for example, with fast cycle packaging machines
MXR80, MXR81 regenerative power supply modules
  • Recycle braking energy
  • Supply and regeneration
    • with MXR80 - sinusoidal
    • with MXR81 - block-shaped
MXP81 compact power supply module
  • Prevent / reduce energy loss and waste heat
    • Power supply module with integrated memory module and braking resistor
    • Automatic kinetic energy reduction if memory capacity is reached
    • Minimal installation cost, small housing dimensions

Besides the products from the energy efficiency system, our effiDRIVE® energy-saving solutions also provide expert energy advice and a modular and customizable service. Find out more!

The axis modules of the MOVIAXIS® multi-axis servo inverters provide the following functional safety:

  • MXA80: ––
  • MXA81: STO (Safe Torque Off), up to PL "d" according to EN ISO 13849-1
  • MXA82: STO (Safe Torque Off), up to PL "e" according to EN ISO 13849-1

Safety functions such as

  • safe speed
  • safe position or
  • safe brake control

can be implemented with external retrofitable UCS safety modules with encoder interfaces specifically tailored to MOVIAXIS®.

safeyDRIVE is our contribution to your plant and machine safety. In addition to functionally safe drive technology, we are offering various safety services. safetyDRIVE not only helps you to prevent accidents, but also reduces costs in safety zones and increases productivity.

Click here for more information about safetyDRIVE and the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
Sectors Applications
Consumer foods, food and luxury goods industry e.g. in FFS machines, cartonizers, carton erectors, palletizers, dosing device, order picking, labelers
Plastics and thermoforming industry e.g. in thermoforming or plastic injection molding machines
Construction material and wood processing equipment
e.g. for flying saws, flying measuring and correction machines, pipe bending machines, welding machines and wire bending machines, wood-processing machines
Covers many branches of industry In handling and robotics applications e.g. with packaging, gantry, handling and order picking robots
There is huge energy potential in applications with lowering and braking movements of the load cycle.

Here we recommend the optional regenerative power supply module MXR80 or MXR81. With this you can quickly and easily reduce energy consumption, for example in
  • gantry cranes
  • stacker cranes, load bearing devices
  • lifting and lowering applications
and much more.